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Produção Científica

Artigos Científicos
  • ALIBERTI, MJR; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ. Beyond age-improvement of prognostication through physical and cognitive functioning for nursing home residents with COVID-19. JAMA Internal Medicine, 2021.


  • APRAHAMIAN, I; PETRELLA, M; ROBELLO, EC; GOMES, HJA; LIMA, NA; FERNANDES, IC; DA SILVA, FRD; DA COSTA, DL; PAIN, A; DE OLIVEIRA REIS, M; SUEMOTO, CK; OUDE VOSHAAR, RC. The association between cardiovascular risk factors and major cardiovascular diseases decreases with increasing frailty levels in geriatric outpatients. Experimental Gerontology, v. 153, p. 111475, 2021.


  • BERJEAUT, EJBK; CARVALHO, BM; ALIBERTI, MJR; AVELINO'SILVA, TJ; CAMPORA, F; JACOB'FILHO, W; GARCEZ, FB. -Part of a great team-: Perceptions of geriatrics fellows on doing research during a pandemic. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2021.


  • CICILIATI, AMM; ADRIAZOLA, IO; SOUZA FARIAS-ITAO, D; PASQUALUCCI, CA; LEITE, REP; NITRINI, R; GRINBERG, LT; JACOB-FILHO, W; SUEMOTO, CK. Severe dementia predicts weight loss by the time of death. Frontiers in Neurology, v. 12, p. 610302, 2021.


  • FORTES-FILHO, SQ; ALIBERTI, MJR; MELO, JA; APOLINARIO, D; SITTA, MC; SUZUKI, I; GARCEZ-LEME, LE. A 2-min cognitive screener for predicting 1-year functional recovery and survival in older adults after hip fracture repair. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2021.


  • GATTÁS-VERNAGLIA, IF; RAMOS, PT; PERINI, MLL; HIGA, CS; APOLINARIO, D; ALIBERTI, MJR; KANAJI, AL; ADRIAZOLA, IO; SARAIVA, MD; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ; DE ASSIS MOURA TAVARES, C; JACOB-FILHO, W; KARNAKIS, T. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the life-space mobility of older adults with cancer. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 2021.


  • ALIBERTI, MJR; KOTWAL, AA; SMITH, AK; LEE, SJ; BANDA, S; BOSCARDIN, WJ. Subsets: A new approach for unavailable predictors in prognostic modeling. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, v. 001, p. jgs.17278, 2021.


  • ALIBERTI, MJR; SZLEJF, C; AVELINO'SILVA, VI; SUEMOTO, CK; APOLINARIO, D; DIAS, MB; GARCEZ, FB; TRINDADE, CB; AMARAL, JRG; MELO, LR; AGUIAR, RC; COELHO, PHL; HOJAIJ, NHSL; SARAIVA, MD; SILVA, NOT; JACOB'FILHO, W; AVELINO'SILVA, TJ. COVID -19 is not over and age is not enough: Using frailty for prognostication in hospitalized patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2021.


  • NUCCI, RAB; DOLHNIKOFF, M; SALDIVA, PHN; JACOB-FILHO, W. Ultrasound-guided minimally invasive autopsy of respiratory muscles as a safe and cost-effective technique in COVID-19 pandemic era. Acta Cytologica, v. 01, p. 1-3, 2021.


  • REAL, CC; SUEMOTO, CK; BINDA, KH; GRINBERG, LT; PASQUALUCCI, CA; JACOB FILHO, W; FERRETTI-REBUSTINI, REL; NITRINI, R; LEITE, REP; BRITTO, LR. Active lifestyle enhances protein expression profile in subjects with Lewy body pathology. Dementia & Neuropsychologia, v. 15, p. 41-50, 2021.


  • SZLEJF, C; SUEMOTO, CK; JANOVSKY, CCPS; BERTOLA, L; BARRETO, SM; LOTUFO, PA; BENSEÑOR, IM. Subtle thyroid dysfunction is not associated with cognitive decline: results from the ELSA-Brasil. Journal of Alzheimers Disease, v. 81, p. 1529-1540, 2021.


  • TAHIRA, A; MARQUES, F; LISBOA, B; FELTRIN, A; BARBOSA, A; DE OLIVEIRA, KC; PEREIRA, CAB; LEITE, R; GRINBERG, L; SUEMOTO, CK; FERRETTI-REBUSTINI, REL; PASQUALUCCI, CA; JACOB-FILHO, W; BRENTANI, H; PALHA, JA. Are the 50’s, the transition decade, in choroid plexus aging?. GeroScience, v. 43, p. 225-237, 2021.


  • TAVARES, CAM; SAMESIMA, N; HAJJAR, LA; GODOY, LC; PADRÃO, EMH; LAZAR NETO, F; FACIN, M; JACOB-FILHO, W; FARKOUH, ME; PASTORE, CA. Clinical applicability and diagnostic performance of electrocardiographic criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy diagnosis in older adults. Scientific Reports, v. 11, p. 11516, 2021.


  • TOSI, FC; LIN, SM; GOMES, GC; APRAHAMIAN, I; NAKAGAWA, NK; VIVEIRO, L; BACHA, JMR; JACOB-FILHO, W; POMPEU, JE. A multidimensional program including standing exercises, health education, and telephone support to reduce sedentary behavior in frail older adults: Randomized clinical trial. Experimental Gerontology, v. 153, p. 111472, 2021.



  • GARCEZ, FB; JACOB-FILHO, W; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ. Association between level of arousal and 30-day survival in acutely ill older adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2020.


  • CURIATI, PK; GIL Jr, LA; MORINAGA, CV; GANEM, F; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ. Predicting hospital admission and prolonged length of stay in older adults in the Emergency Department: the PRO-AGE scoring system. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2020.


  • ABDALLA, PP; SILVA, AM; VENTURINI, ACR; SANTOS, AP; CARVALHO, AS; SIQUEIRA, VAAA; GOMIDE, EB; ALVES, NMC; FERRIOLLI, E; MACHADO, DRL. Cut-off points of appendicular lean soft tissue for identifying sarcopenia in older adults in Brazil: a cross-sectional study. Nutricion Hospitalaria, v. 37, p. 306-312, 2020.


  • ALIBERTI, MJR; OLIVEIRA, RR. Network analysis and aging: a new look at research in older adults. Geriatrics, Gerontology and Aging, v. 14, p. 2-4, 2020.


  • ALIBERTI, MJR; SZLEJF, C; LIMA-COSTA, MF; DE ANDRADE, FB; ALEXANDRE, TS; FERRI, CP; SUEMOTO, CK. Frailty modifies the association of hypertension with cognition in older adults: evidence from the ELSI-Brazil. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2020.


  • AVELINO-SILVA, TJ; STEINMAN, MA. Diagnostic discrepancies between emergency department admissions and hospital discharges in older adults: secondary analysis of a population-based survey. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, v. 138, p. 359-367, 2020.


  • BACHA, JMR; GOMES, GCV; POMPEU, JE. Kinect adventures versus physical exercise on depressive symptoms of older adults: a pilot study. Fisioterapia em Movimento, v. 33, p. 1-10, 2020.


  • BATISTA, LD; DE FRANÇA, NAG; PFRIMER, K; FONTANELLI, MM; FERRIOLLI, E; FISBERG, RM. Estimating total daily energy requirements in community-dwelling older adults: validity of previous predictive equations and modeling of a new approach. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, v. 74, p. 1, 2020.


  • CARVALHO, MB; BRANDAO, CFC; FASSINI, PG; BIANCO, TM; BATITUCCI, G; GALAN, BSM; DE CARVALHO, FG; VIEIRA, TS; FERRIOLLI, E; MARCHINI, JS; SILVA, ASR; DE FREITAS, EC. Taurine Supplementation Increases Post-Exercise Lipid Oxidation at Moderate Intensity in Fasted Healthy Males. Nutrients, v. 12, p. 1540, 2020.


  • CASTRO, REV; GARCEZ, FB; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ. Patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic: do not leave delirium behind. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSIQUIATRIA, 2020.


  • COELHO, VA; SANTOS, GGN; AVESANI, CM; BEZERRA, CIL; SILVA, LCA; LAUAR, JC; LINDHOLM, B; STENVINKEL, P; JACOB-FILHO, W; NORONHA, IL; ZATZ, R; MOYSÉS, RMA; ELIAS, RM. Design and methodology of the Aging Nephropathy Study (AGNES): a prospective cohort study of elderly patients with chronic kidney disease. BMC Nephrology, v. 21, p. 01, 2020.


  • CONTRI-DEGIOVANNI, PV; DEGIOVANNI, GC; FERRIOLLI, E; DA COSTA LIMA, NK; MORIGUTI, JC. Impact of the severity of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease on the gustatory sensitivity of older persons. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, v. 32, p. 1, 2020.


  • DE AGUIAR, GPCG; SARAIVA, MD; KHAZAAL, EGB; DE ANDRADE, DC; JACOB-FILHO, W; SUEMOTO, CK. Persistent pain and cognitive decline in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis from longitudinal studies. Pain, v. 161, p. 2236-2247, 2020.


  • CABRAL, KN; BRECH, GC; ALONSO, AC; SOARES, AT; OPALEYE, DC; GREVE, JMD; JACOB-FILHO, W. Posturographic measures did not improve the predictive power to identify recurrent falls in community-dwelling elderly fallers. Clinics, v. 75, p. 01-09, 2020.


  • DOS SANTOS, SE; MEDEIROS, M; PORFIRIO, J; TAVARES, W; PESSÔA, L; GRINBERG, L; LEITE, REP; FERRETTI-REBUSTINI, REL; SUEMOTO, CK; JACOB-FILHO, W; NOCTOR, SC; SHERWOOD, CC; KAAS, JH; MANGER, PR; HERCULANO-HOUZEL, S. Similar microglial cell densities across brain structures and mammalian species: implications for brain tissue function. Journal of Neuroscience, v. 40, p. 4622-4643, 2020.


  • GARCEZ, FB; ALIBERTI, MJR; POCO, PCE; HIRATSUKA, M; TAKAHASHI, SF; COELHO, VA; SALOTTO, DB; MOREIRA, MLV; JACOB-FILHO, W; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ. Delirium and adverse outcomes in hospitalized patients with -19. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2020.


  • GOLONI, C; PERES, FM; SENHORELLO, ILS; DI SANTO, LG; MENDONÇA, FS; LOUREIRO, BA; PFRIMER, K; FERRIOLLI, E; PEREIRA, GT; CARCIOFI, AC. Validation of saliva and urine use and sampling time on the doubly labelled water method to measure energy expenditure, body composition, and water turnover in male and female cats. British Journal of Nutrition, v. 123, p. 1-34, 2020.


  • GOMES, JCP; DIAS, RD; DE BARROS, JV; VELASCO, IT; JACOB-FILHO, W. The growing impact of older patients in the emergency department: a 5-year retrospective analysis in Brazil. BMC Emergency Medicine (Online), v. 20, p. 01-12, 2020.


  • GUEDES, RC; DIAS, R; NERI, AL; FERRIOLLI, E; LOURENÇO, RA; LUSTOSA, LP. Frailty syndrome in Brazilian older people: a population based study. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, v. 25, p. 1947-1954, 2020.


  • HENRIQUES, AD; MACHADO-SILVA, W; LEITE, REP; SUEMOTO, CK; LEITE, KRM; SROUGI, M; PEREIRA, AC; JACOB-FILHO, W; NÓBREGA, OT. Genome-wide profiling and predicted significance of post-mortem brain microRNA in Alzheimer’s disease. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, v. 191, p. 111352, 2020.


  • IBANEZ, A; FLICHTENTREI, D; HESSE, E; DOTTORI, M; TOMIO, A; SLACHEVSKY, A; SERRANO, CM; GONZALEZ'BILLAUT, C; CUSTODIO, N; MIRANDA, C; BUSTIN, J; CETCKOVITCH, M; TORRENTE, F; OLAVARRIA, L; LEON, T; BEBER, BC; BRUKI, S; SUEMOTO, CK; NITRINI, R; MILLER, BL; YOKOYAMA, JS. The power of knowledge about dementia in Latin America across health professionals working on aging. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, v. 12, p. e10347, 2020.


  • JACOB-FILHO, W; TREZZA, BM; GONCALVES, FLT; SALDIVA, PHN; BUSSE, AL. Brief heat exposure and balance performance in older adults: a controlled trial. Journal of General Medicine, v. 01, p. 1, 2020.


  • JAIN, P; SUEMOTO, CK; REXRODE, K; MANSON, JE; ROBINS, JM; HERNÁN, MA; DANAEI, G. Hypothetical lifestyle strategies in middle-aged women and the long-term risk of stroke. Stroke, v. 51, p. 1381-1387, 2020.


  • LOBATO, ZM; DA SILVA, ACA; RIBEIRO, SML; BIELLA, MM; SIQUEIRA, ASS; ALVES, TCTF; MACHADO-VIEIRA, R; BORGES, MK; VOSHAAR, RCO; APRAHAMIAN, I. Nutritional status and adverse outcomes in older depressed inpatients: a prospective study. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, v. 25, p. s12603, 2021.


  • PONTES, TL; PESSANHA, FPAS; FREIRE JÚNIOR, RC; PFRIMER, K; ALVES, NMC; FASSINI, PG; ALMEIDA, OLS; MORIGUTI, JC; LIMA, NKC; SANTOS, JLF; FERRIOLLI, E. Total energy expenditure and functional status in older adults: a doubly labelled water study. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, v. 24, p. 1, 2020.


  • NASCIMENTO, C; NUNES, PV; SUEMOTO, CK; RODRIGUEZ, RD; LEITE, REP; GRINBERG, LT; PASQUALUCCI, CA; NITRINI, R; JACOB-FILHO, W; BRENTANI, HP; LAFER, B. Differential levels of inflammatory and neuroendocrine markers in the hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex of bipolar disorder subjects: A post-mortem study. Brain Behavior and Immunity, v. 90, p. 286-293, 2020.


  • NUCCI, RAB; DE SOUZA, RR; SUEMOTO, CK; BUSSE, AL; MAIFRINO, LBM; ANARUMA, CA; PASQUALUCCI, CA; JACOB-FILHO, W. Diaphragm muscle structure in the elderly: Findings from an autopsy study. Acta Histochemica, v. 122, p. 151487, 2020.


  • NUCCI, RAB; MAIFRINO, LBM; BUSSE, AL; SOUZA, RR; PASQUALLUCCI, CA; ANARUMA, CA; LEITE, REP; RODRIGUEZ, RD; SUEMOTO, CK; JACOB-FILHO, W. Evaluation of the diaphragm muscle remodeling, inflammation, oxidative stress and vascularization in smokers: an autopsy study. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 54, p. 567-576, 2020.


  • POCO, PCE; ALIBERTI, MJR; DIAS, MB; TAKAHASHI, SF; LEONEL, FC; ALTONA, M; VENYS, AL; SHIN-IKE, IA; GARCIA, BA; SUMITA, LH; LIMA, LMO; GARCEZ, FB; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ. Divergent: age, frailty, and atypical presentations of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 2020.


  • SANTOS'BEZERRA, DP; CAVALEIRO, AM; SANTOS, AS; SUEMOTO, CK; PASQUALUCCI, CA; JACOB-FILHO, W ; LEITE, REP; PASSARELLI, M; MARIE, SKN; MACHADO, UF; CORREA'GIANNELLA, ML. Alcohol use disorder is associated with upregulation of microRNAs-34a and -34c in hippocampal postmortem tissue. Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research, v. 1, p. 1, 2020.


  • TAVARES, CAM; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ; BENARD, G; CARDOZO, FAM; FERNANDES, JR; GIRARDI, ACC; JACOB-FILHO, W. Alterações da ECA2 e fatores de risco para gravidade da COVID-19 em pacientes com idade avançada. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, v. 115, p. 701-707, 2020.


  • SARAIVA, MD; RANGEL, LF; CUNHA, JLL; ROTTA, TCA; DOURADINHO, C; KHAZAAL, EJB; ALIBERTI, MJR; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ; APOLINARIO, D; SUEMOTO, CK; JACOB-FILHO, W. Prospective GERiatric Observational (ProGERO) study: cohort design and preliminary results. BMC Geriatrics, v. 20, p. -, 2020.


  • ALIBERTI, MJR; COVINSKY, KE; GARCEZ, FB; SMITH, AK; CURIATI, PK; LEE, SJ; DIAS, MB; MELO, VJD; REGO-JÚNIOR, OF; RICHINHO, VP; JACOB-FILHO, W; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ. A fuller picture of COVID-19 prognosis: the added value of vulnerability measures to predict mortality in hospitalized older adults. Age and Ageing, v. -, p. -, 2020.


  • SALDANHA, NM; SUEMOTO, CK; RODRIGUEZ, RD; LEITE, REP; NASCIMENTO, C; FERRETI-REBUSTINI, R; DA SILVA, MM; PASQUALUCCI, CA; NITRINI, R; JACOB-FILHO, W; LAFER, B; GRINBERG, LT; NUNES, PV. β-amyloid pathology is not associated with depression in a large community sample autopsy study. Journal of Affective Disorders, v. 278, p. 372-381, 2020.


  • SARAIVA, MD; APOLINARIO, D; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ; TAVARES, CAM; GATTÁS-VERNAGLIA, IF; FERNANDES, CM; RABELO, LM; YAMAGUTI, STF; KARNAKIS, T; KALIL-FILHO, R; JACOB-FILHO, W; ALIBERTI, MJR. The impact of frailty on the relationship between life-space mobility and quality of life in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging, 2020.


  • SARAIVA, MD; VENYS, AL; ABDALLA, FLP; FERNANDES, MS; PISOLI, PH; SOUSA, DMRV; BIANCONI, BL; HENRIQUE, EA; GARCIA, VSS; MAIA, LHM; SUZUKI, GS; SERRANO, PG; HIRATSUKA, M; SZLEJF, C; JACOB-FILHO, W; PASCHOAL, SMP. AMPI-AB validity and reliability: a multidimensional tool in resource-limited primary care settings. BMC Geriatrics, v. 20, p. 124, 2020.


  • SEGALIN, B; FORNARO, A; KUMAR, P; KLEMM, O; ANDRADE, MF; TREZZA, BM; BUSSE, A; JACOB-FILHO, W; GONÇALVES, FLT. Chemical composition of quasi-ultrafine particles and their sources in elderly residences of São Paulo megacity. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, v. 20, p. 1002-1015, 2020.


  • SIQUEIRA, ASS; BIELLA, MM; BORGES, MK; APOLINARIO, D; ALVES, TCTF; JACOB-FILHO, W; VOSHAAR, RO; APRAHAMIAN, I. Decision-making executive function profile and performance in older adults with major depression: a case-control study. Aging & Mental Health, v. 26, p. 1, 2021.


  • SOARES, BC; BACHA, JMR; POMPEU, JE. Immersive virtual tasks with motor and cognitive components: a feasibility study with young and older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, v. 1, p. 1-12, 2020.


  • VENTURINI, ACR; SILVA, AM; ABDALLA, PP; SANTOS, AP; BORGES, FG; ALVES, TC; SIQUEIRA, VAAA; ALVES, NMC; FERRIOLLI, E; COELHO, EB; DUNCAN, M; MOTA, J; MACHADO, DRL. Estimating resting energy expenditure from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry: A cross-sectional study in healthy young adults. American Journal of Human Biology, v. jul 14, p. e23466, 2020.


  • VETTORI, JC; DA SILVA, LG; PFRIMER, K; JORDÃO JUNIOR, AA; MORIGUTI, JC; Ferriolli, E; Lima, NKC. Older adult cancer patients under palliative care with a prognosis of 30 days or more: clinical and nutritional changes. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, v. 39, p. 1-7, 2020.


  • VIDAL, KSM; BERTOLA, L; SUEMOTO, CK; MORENO, AB; DUNCAN, B; SCHMIDT, MI; MAESTRI, M; BARRETO, SM; LOTUFO, PA; BENSEÑOR, IM; BRUNONI, AR. Glaucoma, but not cataracts, predicts lower verbal fluency performance: 3.8-year follow-up from the ELSA-Brasil study. Aging Neuropsychology and Cognition, v. 1, p. 1-13, 2020.


Livros e Capítulos de Livros

  • ALVES, TCTF; TUNG, TC; BASSITT, DP; HUMES, EC; STELLA, F; POLANCZYK, GV; PROENCA, ICGF; GALLUCCI, J; VIERA, MEB; KAYO, M; MARCHETTI, RL; FRAGUAS, R; SCIOVOLETTO, S. Clínica Psiquiátrica: As grandes síndromes psiquiátricas. 2º ed. São Paulo: Manole, 2021. v. 2. 1406p.


  • BERTOLA, L; RODRIGUEZ, RD; SUEMOTO, CK. Diagnóstico e tratamento das demências vasculares e potencialmente reversíveis. Em: Paulo de Oliveira Duarte; José Renato G. Amaral. Geriatria Prática Clínica. 1º ed. Barueri: Manole, 2020, v. 1, p. 304-312.


  • BUSSE, AL; Coelho, VA; OLIVEIRA, LR. Suporte à alta hospitalar. Em: Curiati, JAE; Cabral, KN; Gil-Jr, LA; Curiati, PK. Manual de Urgências e Emergências Geriátricas - Hospital Sírio Libanês. 1º ed. São Paulo: Atheneu, 2020, v. 1, p. 24-.


  • GARCEZ, FB; AVELINO-SILVA, TJ. Mortality in dementia. Diagnosis and Management in Dementia. 1º ed. Elsevier, 2020, p. 61-72.




  • TAKAHASHI, SF; GARCEZ, FB; ALIBERTI, MJR. Avaliação Geriátrica Ampla. Em: Marcos Cabrera; Ulisses Gabriel de Vasconcelos Cunha. Programa de Atualização em Geriatria e Gerontologia (PROGER). Porto Alegre: Secad, 1º ed., 2020, v. 2, p. 9-41.


  • ALVES, TCTF; APRAHAMIAN, I; BIELLA, MM; CEREJEIRA, J. Psiquiatria Geriátrica. Taboão da Serra: Manole, 1º ed., 2019, v. 1, 433p.


Artigos em jornais e revistas

  • JACOB-FILHO, W. Gero - Grupo de estudo da realidade do Idoso. Inflammaging: Conceito e abordagem, p. 1 - 4, 05 maio 2020.

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